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Hi I am back!!! my last post was on February 2020. I said that i will update about the kolej result but I did not do that right? my bad!!!!!!!TTT I am so sorry. So, Alhamdulilah I got kolej heheehehe....
I hope everyone is doing just alright during this MCO. I'm having online classes for this semester and I was so against it at first but maybe it is for the best and I don't have the power to like disobey? that decision so I just do my best to keep up and coping with online classes and Alhamdulillah I got used to it. HOWEVER, now we are on week 8 and I feel so exhausted with all these online classes. this week especially I got a lot of new assignments and rasa nak nangisTTTT I FEEL SICK TO MY STOMACH:((((( I just want this semester to end:'(
but what upset me more is I have intersession; short semester after I finished my semester 2 and I just knew that for intersession we are going ODL as well (Online Distance Learning) I sumpah nangis meraung raung dalam hati after I knew about this. I HAD ENOUGH WITH ONLINE CLASSES. the assignments for me are so burdensome (hope my lecturer will never come across this post) but still I am so very grateful that I have very nice-considerate-sweet-kind lecturers (sebab tu la tak sanggup complaint lebih lebih because lecturers bail sangatT_T) Alhamdulilah.
heheeheh so this is actually the reason why I write this entry today heheehhe just wanna let get everything out of my chest:((( hmm sedih la because I'm not feeling well right now so faham tak dia cam nak buat spa spa pun semua macam tak kena FAHAM TAK KORANG PERNAH TAK BERADA DALAM SITUASI INI AAAAAAAA NAK NANGES tambah tambah lagi puasa kan... (god knows how much i wanna bukak peti minum air)
i stop sini dulu ye jangan lupa stream DEMO. 3 - Kim Hanbin dekat Soundcloud. next post i will share with you guys about my life update kekekekeke
and selamat berpuasa<3