Hi 2019 is approaching hoho!

I just wanted to write about a group of friend who has become a huge part of my life hehe.

if you read my older posts, you must have come across the word 'dvs' hoho nama pun ahahhahaah-girls thingy-

aisyie  aida azreen batty farah and danya oh and me oho

a clique of seven pretty people hahahahaha

i also dont know macam mana our group started tapi kat sekolah dulu each person mesti ada cam a clique where he/she belong KAHKAH and i stucked with them THE COOLEST CLIQUE EVER dekat sekolah dulu well at least thats what i think ahahahahahha 

but no matter how much i love them, they're also time where i questioned my place; do i really belong in this group? do we really matter to each other?

i dont know what others feel but for me, i think we dont really come to the depth of friendship. i dont think we are bestfriends i never think we were hahahahaha sumpah la masalah ain. idk this friendship with them is something more than just bestfriends woa wait i think we are more like sisters?????????? woaaaaaaaaa yeahhh thats it! i want to grow old together and i wish nothing will tear us apart jaeballl i want you guys in my life, forever biar sampai syurgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

i think that sisters analogy is the close one la heheheeh macam you dont really i-dont-have-words-for-this haha  but deep down you know they are something that you NEED in life :') and you just dont want to lose them. i just dont want.

and i know that kita masing masing dah ada kehidupan masing masing. but just one thing, kalau ada apa apa please know that we can always count on each other. whatever makes them happy, I AM TRULY HAPPY FOR THEM man, i just want them to be happy and content with their life because that is something that also brings joys to me

so 'dvs' really plays a big part in our friendship. it is something that will keep us together forever. i want dvs forever, guysss please stay :"< and ain stay la hahahahaha jangan buat perangai :'

that is what i truly feels about dvs as a whole and now i nak cakap pasal sorang sorang lak hehehehe but just sikit sikit je la sebab rasa cam malas je

first, kita start dengan yanbatwicha. i dont have much to say pasal yan sekarang sebab sekarang im a bit upset dgn yan hahahaha just ain being ain

next, farah
she is so annoying and dia mesti rasa i also annoying so to conclude, we are just annoying sisters
FARAH ni nak cakap apa eh i just love her and i want her by myside because us two would be so much fun uwu

aisyie; or siti
hahahahaha aisya ni tak tahu la nak cakap apa but aisya ni someone yang im comfortable with; someone yang even sepuluh tahun tak jumpa or cakap but once we meet i can still be me and no awkwardness la between us walaupun satu universiti we dont really meet/talk with each other which is sad but nggak papela

for me what i feel about zeren, apa ehhh hmmm just something special bukan la org lain tak special ahahahah but zeren just idk i just love her or maybe i dont really love her hahahaha but her soul, UGH tak sangka kita kawan ahahahah zeren ni kan someone yang i really adore masa form one sebabbb emm pernah tak you jumpa someone and you rasa aaaa adorenya ha camtu la hehehehe or maybe it has something to do between two souls of libra ;> xx

dania for me cam doraemon hahahaa idk while im nobita?? heheehe takdela daniaaaaaaaaaaaaaa niiiiiiiiiii takkkkkkkkkkkkk cooolllllllllllll langsungggggggggggggggggggg but i always come to her hehehe her company is not the best HAHAHA welp but i just love to be with her i also dont know why hehehehe  tu je la and dgn dania ni our relationship is love-hate BUT PUTERI just know that SAYA SUKA AWAK

i love her the best like i said in my older post, weve been friends since forever!!!!!!!!!!!! she is my go to friend she is someone yang i alwaysssssssssssss can count on someone yang i can be transparent someone yang i know yang akan always says yes to whatever i say and suggest a perfect partner in crime!

ok dahhhh

and to all of you, as time passes by, i hope we can get to know each other betterrrr

i hope we can be more open about what we feel to each other
i always want to talk nonsense with you guys but i always worries that it might annoys you
i really wish we can be weird with each other and accept each other and entahla nak mintak semua kasih sayang dan perhatian sebab manusia kan memang tak pernah puas ahahahahha tapi takpe la

im so sorry i also dont know apa yg i tulis sebab i just nak cepat cepat habiskan entri ni so i dont really think what i write

kalau ada salah silap maafkan okay

im not perfect you guys too but us together,  PURFECTO

you guys are the best sumpah please dont think otherwise


heart you guys a lot

hugs and kisses


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