8 Februari 2018

hello people! Assalamualaikum :))) It is sembilan februari 2018 today hehehe..... date where one of my long-last-period-bestie-friend (perkataan apa ni?????) was born hehehe... remember when i said that i feel like writing about dania on her birthday and i tak tulis pun?? hahahahah so me................ #sayarasasayasukasembang hahahahahaahhaha ehhh haaa hari ni birthday aida pe ie how you even spell 'pe ie' hahaha nevermind... aida ni one of my kawan paling lama sejak 2007 lagi OMG SEKARANG DAH 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE BEEN FRIENDS FOR ALMOST ELEVEN YEARS WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damnnnnnnnn WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH A LOT ! GADUH DOK KAWAN WHATEVER you name it but im glad that doesnt last forever. after all those who truly loves, never stop loving right??? hehehehe.... dah la tak nak cakap panjang. i want nothing but to remain this friendship forever hereafter.. inshaAllah. I wish nothing but happiness for you aida.. sound cliche, but i really mean it. When it comes to birthday wishes i always wish my friends for their happines. seeing them happy make me happy also i love them sooo much and i realllllllyyyyyy want them to be happy always!!!! no sad sad ok :'))))) alamak sekarang rasa bersalah untuk dania since i didn't wish to her properly. i just said selamat hari putrajaya(but i wrote them with lotssssssss of love while thinking about her and how much i miss her :( ) hehehe she always talk about putrajaya thingy which is hari wilayah sama dengan hari dia lahir jadi putrajaya kena ni tu sebab hari tu cuti bla bla bla hahhahaa layan je la... daniaaaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ain is sorry happy birthday dania. wish you love and happiness. you are the best friend i ever had!!!!!!! eh eh Aidaaaaaaaaa hehehe... AIDA dok sabo nok hang sama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha nok ngecek awok suruh belanja ni hahhahhahahaahha love love love love love loveeeeeeeeeee, aindyousofunny <3 p/s: i still confused whether it is sembilan hari bulan or lapan belas hari bulan bhahahha lol i know i am a bad friend ;p but not anymore i promise !!!!


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