Semester two


hehe lamanya tak update blog huhu...

hari ni tergerak hati nak menulis sebab entah la hehehehe hahahahahahahha sebenarnya malas gila tapi macam dah nekad nak tulis ceyy nekad ahhahahaha so here i am UWU

this is my first week in semester 2 in dengkil wuuuuu

semester two sucks so far lol takde la teruk sangat but idk why rasa sedih doh sem dua ni PERASAAN SEDIH WORRIES ANXIOUS please just fade away._. *sigh*

for semester two, we reshuffled classes. i was from t06 and now i am in t16. from irving to rowling;; new environment new people new lecturers whoa saya tak suka! it soooooooo hard for me to get comfortable and close with people and i have to start it again. honestly this is so exhausting :( i was so happy already with t06 even though i complained about them a lot hahahahaha tak la i complain yang baik baik je e.g: KENAPA DIAORANG BAIK SANGATTTTTTTTTT T_T


rindunya T06 (read as tee sick) i really miss them like a lot haha rindu apa pun tak tahu la...


kenapa la akhir akhir ni i am mastering the art of perasaan rindu, sebelum ni susah la nak rindu rindu ni HAHAHAHAA sekarang ni semua benda i rindu..... ;p

im so sorry i took you guys for granted hahahahaha;;;;; sobsobsbsbsbsbss


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